Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Shrink Wrapping on CD's

Why do CD manufacturers have to make it so hard to open the wrapping. Couple of days back i bought a CD from LandMark and they had shrink-wrapped the CD's twice !!! .
It took me 20 minutes to rip off the f***** wrapping .
A similar incident also happened when i bought myself a bottle of Seagram's-100 pipers, Eager to pour the soothing ;-) drink i twisted the cap to break the outer seal . To find myself another plastic "tamper-proof" contraption . It was a plastic cover under which you have a one-way valve mechanism. The problem started when i twisted the valve thingy to an angle and nothing would pour out of the bottle !!!
Cursing madly , struggling badly i fought a losing battle for quite some time until finally !!! was abe to get valve bit in position using a combination of a swiss-army knife and a needle .....

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