Thursday, May 26, 2005

a new blog

Niall Litchfield's recent post directed me to the blog of Sue Harper , Her post on ERD is a gem

Monday, May 16, 2005

ETL framework for marketing by Steve Schultz

Steve Schultz details a ETL framework for a marketing database in a recent article on dmreview
What is missing in the framework is support to downstream applications like Campaign managers...

Monday, May 02, 2005

Oramag article

Jonathan Gennick's article in the current issue of Oracle Magazine
caught my eye in the context of what i mentioned in my previous post about Tibco's business event tool.
As Jonathan Gennick mentions in the summary of the article , the expression filter used in conjunction with oracle streams could very well be suited for a business event montioring and propogating setup ..this stuff is very interesting , i have to dig into some of the 10g manuals to read some more ...