Friday, March 31, 2006

Impact of SOA on Data Warehousing

Was reading a white-paper from OAGIS on the concept of business integration software ; this led me to think about the possible impacts on data warehousing in terms of integration , federation and what Lou Agosta referred to as the Virtual Data Warehouse ( i believe this was in a article on
Dan Linstedt has a very clear thoughts on this and in his article featured in Terdata Magazine he makes certain crucial observations "
  • Can your organization agree on the services that you need-for customers, for partners, for your internal organizations?
  • Can you agree on what parts of those services require access to data that is or should be stored in your enterprise data warehouse?
  • As for active data warehouses, can you agree on what key business events should cause the enterprise data warehouse to kick off an automated business workflow? "
He contends that SOA will make it easier and faster to develop decision support applications.
I concur with his thoughts but at the same time one must look at the fact SOA is a concept and at the core of which lies the fact of standard definitions , processes , systems. I believe that these kind of enterprise-wide integration efforts will only be successful when sufficient time , effort , money , active senior management support is available to get a solid foundation of common definitions and DW architects will have to be fight a lonely battle for quite sometime and be the change-drivers in organizations.